Our Florists Handdesign Each Arrangement, So Colors, Varieties And Container May Vary Due To Local Availability, Handcrafted Arrangement Of Hot Pink Roses, Purple Carnations, Hot Pink Mini Carnations, Yellow Daisy Poms, Purple Alstroemeria, Athos Poms, Solidago And Salal, Please Note Each Contains Multiple Blooms So Bloom Count May Vary, Gathered In A Stylish Glass Vase Tied With Colorful Ribbon Vase Measures H X D, Large Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Medium Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Small Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W.
Birthdays. Anniversaries. New beginnings. Celebrate all of life’s special moments—big or small—with our bright bouquet of fresh roses, carnations, daisy poms and more. It’s a unique and thoughtful gift to let them know this day is all about them!
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
Hand-crafted arrangement of hot pink roses, purple carnations, hot pink mini carnations, yellow daisy poms, purple alstroemeria, athos poms, solidago and salal
Please note each stem contains multiple blooms so bloom count may vary
Gathered in a stylish glass vase tied with colorful ribbon; vase measures 8"H x 4"D
Large arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 13"W
Medium arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 11.5"W
Small arrangement measures approximately 14"H x 10"W
Make a good memory last with our graduation flowers! Our expert florists will design an arrangement that is sure to impress. Make them feel loved and congratulated for this special achievement in life! Send these stunning flowers to celebrate them on their big day.
Large Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Medium Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Small Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W.
The rustic beauty of hand tied bouquets fresh from a European flower market come alive in our best-selling arrangement. Handcrafted by our skilled artisan florists, this vibrant mix is gathered inside a clear glass vase tied with raffia for a touch of Old World charm.
Allaround Arrangement With Hot Pink Roses, Yellow Asiatic Lilies And Carnations, Lavender Daisy Poms Accented With Assorted Greenery, Artistically Designed In A Glass Vase Tied With Raffia Measures H, Extralarge Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Large Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Medium Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Small Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Our Florists Handdesign Each Arrangement, So Colors, Varieties And Container May Vary Due To Local Availability, To Ensure Lasting Beauty, Asiatic Lilies Arrive In Bud Form, Ready To Bloom In A Few Days.
Our best-selling seasonal bouquet is inspired by the traditional hand tied arrangements found in flower markets throughout Europe. Gathered with a mix of vibrant blooms inside a classic glass vase tied with raffia, it brings a bright and cheerful taste of old-world charm to every springtime celebration.
All-around arrangement with hot pink roses, yellow Asiatic lilies and carnations, lavender daisy poms; accented with assorted greenery
Artistically designed in a glass vase tied with raffia; measures 8"H
Extra-large arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 13"W
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, Asiatic lilies arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
A gift to match their vibrant personality. Our must-send bouquet is designed with a bold gathering of blooms—yellow, hot pink, orange and purple—bringing lots of beauty and brightness to the big, small and in-between moments.
Summertime calls for plenty of sunshine…and brighter-than-ever blooms. We’ve gathered a citrus-colored mix, creating a sensational bouquet to cheer up somebody’s day.
All-around arrangement with yellow and orange roses, yellow Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and button poms, orange mini carnations, green spider mums; accented with assorted greenery
Artistically designed in a clear glass vase; measures 8"H
Large arrangement measures approximately 19"H x 32"W
Medium arrangement measures approximately 18.5"H x 31.5"W
Small arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 31"W
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, Peruvian lilies may arrive in bud form and will fully bloom over the next few days
Here at CAROLINA FLORAL DESIGN, we know that graduating from high school or college is no easy task, and we are here to help you and your favorite graduate celebrate their big accomplishment. Let them know they are in your thoughts as they take on the next step in their journey into adulthood with a floral arrangement that is as brilliant as they are. Congratulate them with an arrangement that matches their school colors, or go with a beautiful mix of some of their favorite colors. Browse through some of our Graduation Flower Arrangements to find the perfect graduation gift.