Allaround Arrangement With Hot Pink Roses, Yellow Asiatic Lilies And Carnations, Lavender Daisy Poms Accented With Assorted Greenery, Artistically Designed In A Glass Vase Tied With Raffia Measures H, Extralarge Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Large Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Medium Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Small Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Our Florists Handdesign Each Arrangement, So Colors, Varieties And Container May Vary Due To Local Availability, To Ensure Lasting Beauty, Asiatic Lilies Arrive In Bud Form, Ready To Bloom In A Few Days.
Our best-selling seasonal bouquet is inspired by the traditional hand tied arrangements found in flower markets throughout Europe. Gathered with a mix of vibrant blooms inside a classic glass vase tied with raffia, it brings a bright and cheerful taste of old-world charm to every springtime celebration.
All-around arrangement with hot pink roses, yellow Asiatic lilies and carnations, lavender daisy poms; accented with assorted greenery
Artistically designed in a glass vase tied with raffia; measures 8"H
Extra-large arrangement measures approximately 18"H x 13"W
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, Asiatic lilies arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
Bright, sunny springtime wishes are best sent with our charming basket arrangement. This garden-inspired gift brings together bunches of yellow, white and lavender blooms, hand-gathered in a split wood basket. Sweet gingham ribbon finishes it off for a fresh-from-the-meadow feel to make someone’s heart happy.
•One-sided arrangement with yellow roses, yellow, white and lavender daisy poms, lavender stock and athos poms; accented with assorted greenery
•Large arrangement does not include yellow daisy poms; measures approximately 14"H x 15"W
•Medium arrangement does not include yellow daisy poms; measures approximately 12"H x 14"W
•Small arrangement does not include roses, stock or athos poms; measures approximately 10.5"H x 13"W
•Artistically designed in a splitwood handled basket with liner, accented with a gingham print ribbon; measures 7"L
•Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability
Celebrate the people and moments you treasure most with our exclusive Floral Treasures bouquet. A stunning arrangement that brings together an abundance of blooms in shades of lavender and pink, creating a blend of soft, pastel color. It’s a gift full of charm and elegance, perfect for someone who means the world to you.
All-around arrangement with pink Asiatic lilies, Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and waxflower; lavender daisy poms; purple statice; accented with assorted greenery
Artistically designed in a clear glass vase
Bring some calm to someone special in your life. Inspired by the beauty of nature, our subtle, charming arrangement is hand-designed with the freshest blooms in delicate shades of green and white, arranged in a classic gathering vase tied with raffia. Just one look will have them smiling and will reflect your thoughtfulness!
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
Arrangement of roses, carnations, lilies, alstroemeria, athos poms, monte casino salal and gypsophila, all in shades of green and white
Artistically designed in an 8"H clear glass gathering vase accented with hand-tied raffia
Lilies and alstroemeria may arrive in bud form and will open to full beauty in 2-3 days
Large arrangement measures approximately 17"H x 13"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 12"L
Small arrangement measures approximately 16"H x 11"L and includes carnations instead of roses
Full of sunny cheer, our brightly-colored bouquet makes the kind of surprise that will leave them smiling. Blooms of yellow and white are loosely gathered with lush greenery inside a clear cylinder vase. Perfect for delivering warm sentiments to someone who means so much.
All-around arrangement with yellow roses and yellow Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria); white carnations and stock; accented with assorted greenery
Large arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 13"L
Medium arrangement measures approximately 14"H x 12"L
Small arrangement measures approximately 12"H x 9"L
Artistically designed in a clear glass cylinder vase; large vase measures 6"H; medium/small vase measures 5"H
Our florists hand-design each arrangement, so colors, varieties and container may vary due to local availability
To ensure lasting beauty, lilies arrive in bud form, ready to bloom in a few days
Each arrangement is uniquely crafted by a local florist using the freshest blooms available regionally. While there may be some variations from the photo shown, we’ll make sure your gift is truly special and one-of-a-kind.
Lovely memories are made with thoughtful gifts for the ones we care about. Our charming bouquet is loosely gathered with a medley of lavender & white blooms. Hand-designed inside a clear cylinder vase with cascading greenery all around, it’s a wonderful way to express the sentiments you have inside your heart.
•All-around arrangement with white roses and carnations; lavender Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria) and stock; accented with baby’s breath, seeded eucalyptus and assorted greenery
•Artistically designed a clear glass cylinder vase
•Large arrangement measures approximately 15"H x 13"L
The sweet citrus shades in our charming new bouquet bring your sentiments to life. Loosely gathered inside a clear cylinder vase, the mix of vibrant orange and creamy white blooms makes special milestones and everyday moments even more memorable.
•All-around arrangement with orange roses and Peruvian lilies (alstroemeria), white carnations and stock; accented with baby’s breath and assorted greenery
•Artistically designed a clear glass cylinder vase
Our elegant bouquet in shades of blush pink and creamy white brings all the charm of a rustic country garden to the people you care about. Cascading blooms are hand-gathered with lush greenery inside a clear cylinder vase, creating a beautiful gift that delights with every detail.
Pretty in purple! Our Lavender Bliss™ Bouquet is an enchanting take on a classic refined color, with accents of ivory and green. This sweet arrangement is crafted with hydrangea, roses and alstroemeria to delight your loved ones!
Want a sweet surprise? Try a fresh bouquet designed by a local florist & delivered straight to your door. Whether it's for an occasion or a pick–me–up for yourself, this sweet arrangement is ready to delight you or your loved ones.
Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.
The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 14"H x 15"W.
Designed by florists, ready to display.
For long–lasting blooms, replace the water daily. We suggest trimming the stems every couple days.
Love the fresh flowers of springtime? Bring them inside by ordering a spring flower arrangement from CAROLINA FLORAL DESIGN, your local Beaufort flower shop. You will love gazing at your beautiful blooms all week long. Know someone who needs a little appreciation? Send spring flowers to lift their spirits, no matter if they live next door or across the country, CAROLINA FLORAL DESIGN can help!